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The Lives of Diamond Bessie
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Author : Jody Hadlock
Title : The Lives of Diamond Bessie
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?This affecting tale of a 19th-century American woman struggling to prove her worth other than as a marriage prospect leaves a lasting impression.? Publishers WeeklyThe Lovely Bones meets the Wild, Wild West in this haunting tale inspired by a true story.Pregnant out of wedlock, sixteen-year-old Annie Moore is sent to live at a convent for fallen women. When the nuns take her baby, Annie escapes, determined to find a way to be reunited with her daughter. But few rights or opportunities are available to a woman in the 1860s, and after failing to find a respectable job, she resorts to prostitution in order to survive. As a highly sought-after demi-mondaine, Annie?now Bessie?garners many expensive gifts from her admirers and eventually meets and marries the son of a wealthy jeweler, a traveling salesman with a gambling problem. With her marriage, she believes her dream of returning to proper society has finally come true. She?s proven wrong when she suffers the ultimate betrayal at the
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